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Career Expo 2022 Kwara State, Nigeria

An annual event which offers young people and parents across Kwara-State the opportunity to investigate options after leaving Secondary Education - supporting transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Project Mission

Youth Employment

To provide Employers with access to youth for employment opportunities.

Career Preparation

Preparation, guidance, and interactive counselling with recruiters to build resumes and be "career-ready".

Career Centre

Career centres and exhibitions which will expose youth to diverse careers.

Empowering the Youth

Career Expo 2022 is a private employment job fair for undergraduates and graduate students
Designers, artists, architects, lawyers, engineers, farmers and agricultural experts, law enforcement and police, and many other career disciplines from industry-leading employers will meet and engage the students on their careers and experience.


Employers from various backgrounds and States will be in present: full-time; part-time; contract; and internship opportunities that exist in their respective industries. Students, employees and employers, and recruiters will be able to interact on a 1-on-1 basis - assisting in formulating their portfolios and resume and prepare for their careers.


Through its many other initiatives, the Career Expo 2022 will contribute to real opportunities to the labor market.

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